The Rhiw | Bridgend
Social Housing.
The use of Metframe at The Rhiw ensured zero waste from the structural build which saw more than 91% of overall site waste diverted from landfill.
The Metframe system was ideal for The Rhiw in Bridgend. The pre-panelised system is fabricated off-site and simply bolted together on-site, offering a zero-waste and low carbon alternative to traditional concrete and steel frames for low and medium height structures. It also has a high thermal and acoustic performance
A big plus for the project was the speed of installation. Each storey typically took less than two weeks to build and the system works with either steel joisted or concrete floors. Joisted floors result in a lighter structure but concrete floors, such as those used at Mariners Quay, generally provide a higher level of acoustic performance and fire protection.